The Congress Avenue Bat Bike Tour runs June 15th - Oct 31st. The tour starts 2 hours before sunset. This 2.5+ hour tour is fun for riders of all skill levels! Cost is $84 per person and includes a guided tour, bike and helmet.

Text 512.919.6293 or email, if solo, and we’ll get you on the group tour list.

Meeting spot: 650 W. Riverside Dr. Austin, TX 78704

(Auditorium Shores)

The Bat Watching tour features an easy traffic-free 8 mile tour around Lady Bird Lake on the hike-n-bike trail, the boardwalk, Barton Springs, Pfluger ped bridge, SRV Statue, Zilker and Butler parks, with an end stop to watch the bats fly out for the night from the Congress Avenue Bridge.

It's the largest urban bat colony in the world!

This is a must see if you've never experienced it. Tour times vary throughout the bat season, starting 2 hrs. before sunset. Bikes and helmets are included in tour cost. We love hosting families, but for kids under 12 a private tour is required.

Please click here to check availability and reserve your tour!

Bring snacks or eat before the tour !!!

Walking distance, near the tour start/end are-

Whataburger, Sandy’s, Terry Black’s BBQ, Aussie’s Grill, Food trucks

Starting location: Auditorium Shores- Parking Lot- 650 W. Riverside 78704